Module 4

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Module 4


Detailed Analyses on Chinese Adverbials

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Module 4: Detailed Analyses on Chinese Adverbials


This module covers 20 teaching lessons that enable you to translate and speak Chinese-literacy-level sentences that involve any Chinese adverbials. Module 4 is going to enhance your understanding about the role of adverbials in Chinese language whether they take the form of "statement" or "question." In order to understand Module 4, you should either finish the previous 3 modules, or your Chinese is already at a native level at this point. Module 4 uncovers the mysterious elegance of Chinese language and literature by including adverbials in sentences. You will be amazed that the philosophy applied in attributives shadows the philosophy applied in adverbials. You will thus be impressed by how many similarities that Chinese language share with English language, and those similarities bring hope to the translatability between these two languages. 

Module 4 does not only include the grammar teachings on all types of Chinese Attributives, it also attaches all the teachings for Chinese pronunciation (Chinese vowels, consonants and tones), and a list of over 1,000 advanced Chinese verbs plus 22 long and in-depth teaching videos with many practices. If you want to study at a university in China, Module 4 is your best choice to reach that goal!